Bewsey Lodge Primary School

This beautiful school space is a multi-functional area used for assemblies, school plays, crafts, clubs and meals. The client wanted to improve the lighting as staff and pupils were complaining that they found it too dark.
Lighting objectives
The client had old lighting which was failing and as a result the area was dark. Maintenance and energy costs were high so the client had asked for these to be reduced.
How did Novah approach this project?
CEF asked Novah to do a site survey and a lighting design. We wanted to fully understand how the space would be used and were able to present options to the client.
Finding the right solution for all of the activities in the space meant that we had to find the right product. We wanted to ensure that there was a very even light distribution to ensure that whatever part of the hall was in use, the lighting would be fantastic.
Novah solutions
We offered the Hellion 150W Linear low bays with dimming and integrated emergency. The Hellion has a very even punch meaning that the light distribution is fantastic and it is also extremely efficient, ensuring that the school would save money on its energy very quickly. The school can dim the lighting so that they have the right lighting for every occasion. The return on investment was only 10 months.
The space is now bright and pleasant to teach, learn and play in. The pupils and staff can notice the difference and enjoy being in the hall. The energy costs have reduced and the school is excited that due to the 5 year warranty on the Hellion, that they don’t have to build in any maintenance costs.
Customer feedback
“Novah have offered a fantastic solution for the school. The lights have transformed our school hall and allow us to use the space for all of the applications that we have. We can’t wait to welcome parents back in to see the dramatic lighting for the school plays and the strong natural lighting for parents’ evenings. We are saving lots of money and making steps towards improving our carbon footprint. We couldn’t be more delighted.” Ivan Hilditch