This is a manufacturing site, producing plastic films for the food industry. There were a variety of lighting solutions which had been acquired over a long period of time and the client wanted an upgrade to produce better uniformity of light and lower maintenance costs.
Lighting objectives
The client needed to improve the lux levels around the production plant and also wanted to reduce energy and maintenance costs.
How did Novah approach this project?
The client gave us the technical requirements and we worked closely with their on-site maintenance team to match the specification required. We ran some small trials with proposed products to ensure that the client was satisfied with the light output.
Some of the areas were very difficult to access and we had to provide products which could be easily installed in these places. It was essential to have IP66 rated products in many of the production areas, which we were able to supply as standard.
Novah solutions
Barracuda for IP rating and efficiency and Onxy and Sirius.
The client is delighted that it can reduce its lighting maintenance budget by 95% and that it is achieving better lux levels which has improved machine maintenance and production.
Customer feedback
"We have embarked on a program of upgrading all of our lighting inside and also on the exterior of our facility to the very latest LED technology – our chosen supplier for all these lighting products is Novah who have provided exemplary service and fantastic products including their Barracuda non corrosives which have an extremely high rating in terms of light output, efficiency and IP protection – our team think this is an exceptional product." Steve Clewes, Production Manager