Virgin Trains

Lorne Stewart, were performing an upgrade to all of the Virgin Mainline West Coast stations. Part of this upgrade involved improvement of lighting.
Lighting objectives
Maintenance was a major factor in the selection of lighting. The existing fittings required regular maintenance as the fluorescent tubes had short life spans and given the public nature of the spaces and the potential hazards being near the train lines, good quality lighting is essential in any train station. Lorne Stewart were also keen to find energy savings to improve costs and reduce the carbon footprint of Virgin Trains stations.
How did Novah approach this project?
When this project began in 2013 it was felt that LED lighting was still a new technology that was unproven. As such, Novah provided detailed technical information about the proposed products and offered products for trial before the full roll-out began. Once products had been approved, Novah worked with Lorne Stewart over the following 18 months of the installation process.
Novah had to provide products which could be retrofitted into existing fittings as changing the fittings in railways stations is a very expensive and complicated process. As such, some development work was needed to ensure that Novah had products for every fitting in every station.
Novah solutions
Novah provided the Clarion tubes, Horizon LED Panels, Ellipse Downllghts, Orbit Bulkheads, AVA Floodlamps and Clarion LED PLL lamps for this project with emergency solutions.
The stations are brighter and lighting maintenance was cut back to virtually nothing – 6 years later and the lighting is still excellent. CCTV footage has improved definition with LED lighting and this has helped improve safety and customer experience.
Customer feedback
We used the Novah range of LED lighting products for our station improvements in 2013 and 2014. I am delighted to say that they are still in place, working as well as the day that they were installed. The light quality is exceptionally good creating enhanced visibility on our platform CCTV. As well as the obvious energy savings the Novah products also provide hidden extras including, reduction in hazardous waste materials, longevity of equipment, reduction in transport CO2, increased lux levels, improved light quality, no UV light. This project also created a positive environmental image for the company, having reduced electrical consumption/cost by 20%, reduced the environmental footprint, created a new vibrant atmosphere for staff & customers and minimised risk. The lighting also minimises light pollution and contain no harmful environmental pollutants. The return on investment has been absolutely fantastic and Novah have been great to work with every step of the way. We know that when Novah are providing the lighting products, we will have the best quality and service with the latest technology.